Working at Lactalis

The experience of Serge, a student from Togo

3/15/20232 min read

February 24, 2023,

I received my diploma from ILCI in Management Achat Supply Chain and my career began at Lactlis, a lovely company located in Choisy-le-roi, near Paris.

These years at the school have been intense, not only in terms of apprenticeship and strong emotions, but also with all the ups and downs of Covid19. Despite this atmosphere of stress, work and struggle, of competition for success, instead of playing the every-man-for-himself card, the students, the school and the companies pulled together and stood shoulder to shoulder.

At ILCI, we have had teachers who are competent in their field and whose ambition is to serve and nurture our intelligence; I'm not forgetting the management and administrative staff who have made themselves available during our studies; on behalf of all the students, we extend our thanks to them.

Like many of you, I was lucky enough to find an internship after many rejections and failures. This internship took place at Lactalis.
I did two internships, during my M1 and M2, within the same company. I had the opportunity to become involved in the work environment and acquire new skills. These skills are now extremely valuable to me in the realization of my projects. Any time, attention and interest shown by a company should not be missed. For the company, it's also the risk of losing a trained employee.

I was offered a CDI contract and didn't hesitate to take up the opportunity. I now have experience in the field which gives me an opening onto the rest of the world.

The experience we gain and the time companies devote to training us are more often than not factors of opportunity.

I'm proud of the diploma I've chosen and the training I've received, which has provided me with important assets for my professional life.

A quote I'd like to share with you would be from Oprah Winfrey (Stanford, 2008): The beautiful thing about an education is that no one can take it away from you.

Thanks for reading.